Take care of your teeth

Taking care of your teeth should be your top priority.  Imagine looking at a absolutely handsome  man. His hair is perfect, his eyes are perfect, his tone is perfect, perfect perfect perfect. Then he flashes a smile at you that is full of plaque and/or missing teeth.  Completely ruins the image doesn't it? That is why you must always have clean white teeth. They are one of the first things people look at when first meeting. Having a nice set of teeth can be very uplifting and have a positive effect on your esteem.

See Your Dentist

If you haven't seen a dentist in a while, definitely go. That way you stay on top of potential problems.

Get A White smile

Use a teeth whitening kit. Fit it into your nightly routine a few times a week or for the recommended use time. Do not use teeth whitener any more than directed on the box. It can damage your teeth and gums causing them to look worse.


Pick up a teeth cleaning kit. There are water picks and other dental tools available on the market to help you keep a nice smile between dentist visits.

Straighten Up

Get a straight smile. If your teeth are crooked. Do not despair. Braces have been around for a long time. There are metal braces and clear ones such as Invisalign that can help you.


Include everything here that is on your makeover list into your calendar. If you decided to go with the teeth whitening. Mark every day that you are going to whiten your teeth, into your planner. Remember to read the whitener instructions. Most products you can only use a maximum of three days a week. If this is the case. Mark down for example:  "Monday October 6th- teeth whitening, Wednesday October 8th- Teeth whitening,  and so on.   If you have decided it was time for a dentist appointment. As soon as you make the appointment, mark it down in your makeover calendar or planner