Cosmetics are a wonderful tool to play up your gorgeous features. The key is to know how to use cosmetics correctly. If you do not wear cosmetics normally, trying them out can actually be fun and enjoyable. Don't worry about making mistakes. With a little practice, you'll be a pro in no time.
The first thing you need to know about using cosmetics is that clear skin is a must. So if you are prone to acne or any other skin conditions, take care of that first. (For more information, see skin section)

Using Foundation

If you plan on using foundation to even out your skin tone. Pick a shade that is as close to your skin tone as possible. You may look too pale, or worse, look as if you are wearing an orange mask on your face.  Make sure that you pick up the right kind for your skin type. If your face is oily, go with the water based foundation. If your skin is dry, try the oil based. Always use a disposable makeup sponge to apply foundation to ensure it is even, blended, and there is no streaking.  Set your foundation using a lose powder that is slightly lighter then your foundation.

To add a healthy glow

  Use a bronze powder with a very fluffy fanned out brush, the less dense the brush you use, the less product will be applied. Do not apply too much.  You are going for sheen look more than anything. So just take a little bit of the powder and then lightly dust over the areas where the sun would normally hit you.

Using eye makeup and lipstick together

A general rule of thumb is to never pair dark eye makeup with a dark lip shade. If you are going for the smoky eyes look, go for a more pale shaded lip color, and top it off with some gloss. If you are going light with your eye makeup, more daring lip colors can look elegant and classy.