Dealing with Blemishes

If you are struggling with a tough skin condition such as acne, there are plenty of options for you.

Grade I and Grade 2 acne which is labeled as mild to moderate acne can often be treated with over-the-counter products such as Clean and Clear or Neurtrogena .  Grade 3 and 4 Which is moderately severe to severe, or cystic acne must be treated by a dermatologist that can offer various acne treatment options to you, as well as advice and support.

For information on how to find a dermatologist in your area contact The American Academy of Dermatology 
 (AAD) Address: PO Box 4014  
Schaumburg   Illinois 60618-4014 
 United States Telephone: 866 503 SKIN (7546)
 International Number   847 240 1280
 Fax: 847 240 1859

Finding A Treatment

If you are dealing with mild acne. Start a routine every night with the product that seems to work best for you. You may have a trial and error period which you'll find that some products either don't work for you, or make your condition worse. Remember, keep up your search until you find something that works best with your skin. 
RULE: Wash your face every night with an acne treating soap.

Planning your Routine

Your routine should look something like this.
1. Wash your face with a soap that contains benzoyl peroxide.
2. Use a light scrub gently on your face. Make sure it is for acne treatment only.
3. Use a healing face mask for the directed amount of time. Do Not exceed the time limit.
I would recommend you work this routine into your schedule before bed 3 to 4 times a week, depending on your skins sensitivity. If you become red or irritated. Discontinue your use of the products and see  your doctor.


Never ever scrub your face vigorously, you can cause permanent damage and scarring. Be gentle when washing and always pat dry.


Stick to your routine, and never slack. Your facial routine should be written in your calender, several days a week. And don't forget you can use a bar soap with acne treating benzoyl peroxide every night before bed ( skin type permitting). You should also work this into your mornings as well.  Avoid using any product that can clog pores during the day.
NOTE: Always use sun block!  Natural rays will damage your skin causing it to look older... this means early developing of age spots, spots from sun damage, and wrinkles.  Botox is not fun, and is very expensive. If tanning your skin is on your calendar, use a tinted body lotion or spray tan. Pale youthful skin looks so much better than dark aged sun damaged skin.